We aren’t sure who Peat is or why he seems to be keeping beasts, but apparently it’s allowed under EU regulations. Who knows what will happen after the full force of Brexit is laid bare before us all to Peat or to his beast? So whilst our country still resides within the European Economic Area, it seems only right that we have a bash at reviewing the monster.

Price: £30 – 40

ABV: 46%

Appearance: A light, straw like liquid, presumably from a very well hydrated monster.

Aroma: Like a fire-breathing monster, this dram is all about the (peat) smoke and quite possibly the bass, but its difficult to say that with any certainty from an aroma alone. There are also notes of salty sea and buttery toffee, so presumably the monster lives with his grandma at the seaside.

Taste: As the monster creeps up on to the palate, there is light salty, sweet start. It’s the seaweed hair flicking in your eyes as you stare deep into its deep red eyes.

Then a hugely peppery black smoke flavour explodes into the mouth, like an angry monster upset by the latest poor episode of House of Cards. It isn’t subtle or light, but powerful and slightly on the uncultured side of affairs.

Finally (after a very long wait) the smoke and the monster calms to a salty, toffee sweet ending.

Mouthfeel: Big and brash

Overall: This dram is only ever going to be loved by those that love a peaty dram. It’s big, brash and some could find it uncultured. There are hidden depths to this dram that are brought out by a few drops of water. With water a tropical coconut and pineapple flavour is revealed and the smoke calmed. It’s a rare occurence, but I prefered it with water.

Real Dram Factor: 7.2

Source: Dram from Whisky Bristol Underground.

More Information: http://www.peatsbeast.com

Buy Online: Amazon: Peat’s Beast 70cl – £41.34 or Master of Malt: Peat’s Beast 70cl – £36.45

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